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🍜 UdonSharp API

There are several functions for runtime control available, all of them callable on the LTCGI_UdonAdapter instance. To use them, put a public property of type LTCGI_UdonAdapter in your script, and assign it the LTCGI_Controller game object (which will automatically contain the correct Udon script).

Global Settings

You can use the following function on the adapter to globally enable or disable LTCGI. Note that material-swapping to a material with LTCGI disabled in addition to using this method is still recommended for best performance.

public void _SetGlobalState(bool enabled)

You can also change the global realtime video texture input at runtime with the following function:

public void _SetVideoTexture(Texture texture);

Keep in mind that this operation is fairly expensive and should only be called when necessary.

Per-Screen settings

The first thing to when handling individual screens (preferably in Start, not Update, as this is a fairly expensive call) is to get the index of the screen you want to access/modify. The index will act as a unique identifier. To do so, call:

public int _GetIndex(GameObject screen);

...with the GameObject that contains the LTCGI_Screen component. Note that for this to work, only one LTCGI_Screen component is allowed per GameObject. The index itself is internal and should be used for anything other than passing it on to other functions - treat it like an unknown value.

With the index at hand, you can call the following functions:

public Color _GetColor(int screen);
public void _SetColor(int screen, Color color);
public void _SetTexture(int screen, uint index);

screen parameters take the index retrieved before.

NOTE: The color parameter and returned color value may be in an unexpected color space. Use Color.linear and Color.gamma to convert them. Generally speaking, _SetColor takes color.linear if you want the reflected color to match the one put as _Color on an Unlit object such as a screen.